Cross & Dot, LLC
Dr. Heather Robinson
Heather J. Robinson is President of Cross & Dot, LLC. She began her career in education as a high school mathematics teacher where she was published in the Journal for Research in Mathematics for her research in her Algebra II classroom. After 10 years in the traditional classroom, Heather began teaching mathematics virtually to students throughout Georgia. Heather transitioned into virtual school leadership in 2007 and most recently served as the Executive Director of Georgia Connections Academy, the nation's highest performing virtual charter school. Heather's knowledge about instruction and leadership is vast and u n i q u e . As a school leader, her innovation and creativity in the K - 12 setting is unprecedented. Heather understands every aspect of K - 12 education - instruction, school and district management, leadership, and oversight. She has a relentless zest for perfection and is driven by her passion for children. Heather wholeheartedly believes that every student in every classroom deserves an outstanding education and it is her purpose to make it so. Heather is an educator's educator - she believes in the power of the Professional Learning Community as the key to a thriving academic setting and school culture. Heather's enthusiasm, attention to detail, and love of education is evident in Cross & Dot's mission to design innovative, strategic, and perfect solutions.
Cross & Dot services include: Virtual Learning Solutions, Leadership Coaching, Governance Training & Support, Instructional Planning and Assessment, School Data Management, Organizational Management, Human Resource Management, PLC Implementation, Curriculum Development, and Project Management.
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